NEXIX Digital marketing Agency

How to get Backlinks?


You’ve heard the stories: “Get backlinks and your site will go viral!” or “Link building is dead.” You may be wondering what this means for your business. Does it matter if your website doesn’t have any backlinks? Is link building even still possible in 2022? It’s true that SEO has evolved significantly over the years, but it’s also true that a website with no backlinks can still be successful thanks to the complexity of googles algorithm. In fact, there are plenty of ways to get quality backlinks without relying on outdated methods like guest posting and blog commenting!

Broken Link Building Method.

Broken link building is a great way to get backlinks without being spammy. This method works best with sites that have a lot of pages, so they have more opportunities to add your content.

  • Find broken links on your site by using the Chrome extension Link Clumpr or the Firefox extension Linkclumpr.
  • Find broken links on other sites by using Ahrefs Site Explorer or Majestic Site Explorer. Be sure not to use these tools for any reason other than finding what pages don’t work anymore!
  • Create a list of all URLs that are no longer available and or lead to 404s (pages that do not exist). You can also check if there are broken images on these sites as well, which means there’s another opportunity for you!
  • Get in touch with someone at each website and politely explain why you would like them to remove their old content from their site, replace it with something else relevant instead of leaving an empty space where people can no longer find anything when visiting an old page like yours; then ask them nicely if they could consider adding another piece from yours instead – preferably one related but different than before so that visitors see something new too!

Competitor Backlink Audit.

Backlink audit is a process of analyzing your website competition’s backlinks and discovering the most effective ways to gain similar backlinks.

These competitor backlink audits are vital for both beginners and experienced SEO professionals who want to rank higher in search engines. You can find out what your competitors are doing right, where they could improve, and how you can capitalize on this information by applying it to your own strategy.

Create Linkable Assets.

The most effective way to get backlinks is by creating linkable assets. These are pieces of content that potential readers or customers will want to share with their friends and colleagues, thus helping to drive traffic and awareness for your site.

  • Create a useful tool or resource: If you have an information-based business, you can create an online tool that answers common questions or helps people do something they’ve been struggling with. For example, if you’re a web designer and your clients ask how to position navigation menus on the left side instead of the top (or vice versa), then make this guide available for download! When someone shares it with friends and colleagues, they’ll be sharing your brand as well.
  • Create a case study: Think about all the problems people face when working in your industry—then provide real-life examples that show how others have resolved them using solutions from your company or product line (you’ll have to create these case studies yourself). This kind of content is extremely valuable—because it’s not just general advice; it’s specific strategies based on actual experience—and therefore has high potential for being shared widely among audiences interested in solving similar issues themselves!

Blogger Outreach/Skyscraper Technique.

You can get backlinks by reaching out to bloggers in your niche. To do this, you’ll want to find blogs that are relevant to the topic of your website and analyze them for content gaps. You’ll then be able to reach out to those bloggers and offer yourself as an expert who can help them fill those gaps with a guest post on their blog.

Once you’ve found some potential sites, it’s time to reach out! Once they’re more familiar with what you have to offer, they might even share your post on social media or include a link back in their bio at the end of their post (which will lead people right back over into the comforts of Google).


  • Infographics.
  • If you have a good eye for design, then you can create your own infographic. If not, there are many companies that will create infographics for you at a cost.
  • Use an infographic to promote your business or products. If people like the way it looks and how easy it is to read, then they may link back to it from their site and tell their friends about it too!
  • You can also use infographics as a guest post on other blogs in order to gain links from other bloggers’ sites (you should be looking for quality sites that have lots of readers).

Interviews and Expert Roundups.

Interviews are an excellent way to gain backlinks. You can interview influencers in your niche, or even better, experts who have written a book on the subject that you’re writing about. They’ll be happy to talk about their experiences, and in return for giving them exposure for their expert knowledge and upcoming book launch/event/service etc., they will also give you a link back to your post!

Expert roundups are another great way to get backlinks: find experts on social media or via email (e.g., Facebook groups) and ask them if they’d like to participate in an expert roundup post!

Methods for creating backlinks to your site

Backlinks are critical to search engine optimization, but they’re also important for other reasons too. Backlinks can help you find new customers, drive traffic to your site and boost your rankings in the search engines.

Backlink-building is an essential part of content marketing and SEO strategy. But if you don’t know where or how to start building backlinks, it can be difficult to get started. Here are some ways in which you can start generating more backlinks:

  • Create linkable assets: Creating linkable assets is one of the simplest ways to build backlinks—and it works best if you pair them with another tactic on this list (like guest blogging). To create a linkable asset:
  • Create something useful that people want or need, then share it on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter;
  • Share it on niche communities such as Quora;
  • Put it up on your own blog;
  • Submit articles about topics related to what interests readers most—and make sure those articles include links back out into relevant sources too!


Now you know how to get backlinks. The key is to start small and work your way up. Try one or two methods and see what works best for you before moving on to more advanced techniques like blogging or creating infographics.

If not that’s what we are here for! so get in touch!



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