NEXIX Digital marketing Agency


SEO Norwich – SEO is the art and science of getting your site to rank high in search engine results. It’s not just about keywords—it’s about making sure that your site is a great place for users to go.

What is SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a set of practices designed to improve the visibility of a website or a web page in search results.

To put it simply, you have to ensure that the right people are finding your website when they type in certain keywords. If someone types in “buy socks online” and your store doesn’t show up on the first page of Google search results, then there is no way they’ll find you!

How does it work?

SEO is a process that helps you rank higher in search engines. It’s about making your website better for users, and it’s also about making your website better for search engines. The best way to explain SEO is by thinking about how Google works:

Google uses an algorithm that calculates which websites are most relevant to a user’s query. That algorithm takes into account both on-page factors (the HTML and CSS of your site) as well as off-page factors (how many people link back to you). But essentially, the goal of SEO is just like any other kind of optimization: You want the things that make sense or work well together (like good content) to have more influence than those that don’t make sense or aren’t working well together (like bad content).

How to do it effectively

If you want to rank, there are a few things you can do.

First and foremost: write good content. That’s the most obvious part of SEO, but it’s also one of the most important. If your site doesn’t have useful information people want to read or a useful product they want to buy, it’s not going to rank well in search engines.

Second: optimize your site for mobile devices as much as possible—googling from your phone is more popular than ever before! Make sure that any images on your site are optimized for mobile devices by adding ‘w’ tags around them so that smartphone users can see them without having to zoom in and out constantly while reading articles or viewing pictures.

Third: make sure that your website loads quickly when someone clicks on it; even if they’re not using a mobile device yet (or perhaps ever), waiting forever before seeing anything on-screen makes people lose interest fast—and since speed is one of Google’s main ranking factors these days, this could really hurt how often visitors come back again after their first time seeing something new posted there online!

It is all about the user, and making your site a great place for them.

Imagine this: you’re a writer, and you have a great article on your site. If anyone wants to read it, they have to click around the page until they find it. That’s not user-friendly! It may be easy for you as a writer, but what if there were more than one article on the page? Or even worse—what if there were no articles at all?

That’s why doing SEO means making sure that users can easily find what they’re looking for on your website. It’s all about making things easier for them by providing clear paths through your site or blog posts so that people can get where they want with as few clicks as possible.

The same goes with content! You don’t want to overwhelm people with too much information (or too little) because then again…it becomes difficult for them to digest it all without getting lost along the way.


So now you know how SEO works. It is an essential part of your business that needs to be taken seriously. If your website isn’t included in search engine results, no one will see it—and if no one sees it, then you won’t get any customers! But don’t worry: we have plenty of tips and tricks on how to make sure that doesn’t happen. For example, start by checking out this article on top tips for modern SEO best practices from last year’s Google I/O conference:

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