NEXIX Digital marketing Agency


Web design is a complex process and it involves several different disciplines. NEXIX is a small web design agency based in Norwich. We can help you with user experience, usability, web development, copywriting and much more!

User experience design (UXD)

User experience design (UXD) is the process of designing the interaction between users and the website. It’s a combination of all other web design disciplines. UXD is about creating a website that is easy to use and easy to navigate by providing an intuitive user interface (UI).


The field of usability refers to the study of how people interact with the products they use. It includes many different aspects, including accessibility and user experience (UX). Usability is often confused with ease of use, but is different.

Usability means that users can accomplish their tasks quickly and with minimal effort, whether it’s a website or software program. A usable interface should be designed in such a way that users are able to easily find what they’re looking for and complete tasks on your website by themselves without much help from others.

Information architecture

Information architecture is the structure of information. It’s not just how you organize your website, but also how people will use it and find what they’re looking for.

In a nutshell, information architecture is about how people use and interact with the site’s content (texts, images, videos). It’s important to understand your target audience so that you can create an interface that works for them. For example: if you’re building an app for children aged 8-9 years old then the language needs to be simple enough where they can easily navigate through the app without getting confused or bored reading instructions too long text blocks before being able to start playing with their favourite characters!

Interaction design

Interaction design is the process of designing interactive digital products, environments and systems. Interaction designers are concerned with making choices that provide an engaging experience and enable users to complete tasks successfully.

Interaction design is a human-centred approach that focuses on the relationship between people and technology. It involves research, ideation (or thinking), prototyping (or testing), implementation and evaluation of designs for use by the user or users for whom it was intended.

Interaction designers need to be able to think like their target audience so they can understand what will work for them in terms of product or service needs as well as ease-of-use expectations based on prior experiences with similar technologies

Content design and management

Content is the most important part of your website and will determine if people want to stay on your site or leave. If you are creating a simple brochure website, then content may not be all that important. However, if you are selling products or services online, then having great content will make the difference between success and failure in terms of sales and conversions.

Content is what makes your website unique from all other websites out there. It’s what makes people come back time after time so they can read more about whatever it is that you sell. Content matters because it helps keep visitors on your site longer than they would otherwise stay if there was no content – which means more opportunities for them to convert into paying customers!

User interface design

User interface (UI) design is the process of designing the visual elements of a user interface. In UI design, you’re concerned with how users interact with your website or app—what buttons they click and how they navigate from page to page, for instance. The goal of this type of design is making things easy for users by providing them with clear instructions and features that are easy to understand and use.

As its name suggests, UI design is often more visible than UX: It’s what people see when they visit your site or open your app for the first time. If your site looks cluttered and confusing, people will be turned off right away; if it’s cleanly designed but hard to navigate, then again you’re likely going to lose potential customers who might have been interested in what you had to offer if only they could find it!

Wireframing and prototyping

Once you’re ready to move from wireframe to prototype, there are two main types of prototyping tools: low-fidelity and high-fidelity. Low-fidelity prototypes are typically made with pen and paper or in a tool like Sketch. These can be used for quick design tests with stakeholders or users, but they don’t give developers enough information about how something will look when it’s fully implemented. High-fidelity prototypes use more complex software that allows for greater detail and realism. Some examples include Axure, Justinmind and Sketch.

Web Design Norwich. We can help you with user experience, usability, web development, copywriting and much more!

As a small web design agency based in Norwich, we are here to help you with user experience (UX), usability, web development, copywriting and much more!

The challenge for us at this point was that our clients were having problems with their sites. They were finding it difficult to navigate the site and find what they wanted quickly. The sites also looked dated and not particularly appealing to users.


A lot of web designers and developers get confused about the difference between UI and UX. This is understandable, as there are many similarities between them. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ve outlined all of the key differences between UI design vs UX design so that you can make an informed decision when it comes time to choose whether or not your project requires one or both types of services.



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NEXIX Digital marketing Agency

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