NEXIX Digital marketing Agency

Introduction – From a Web Development Company in Norfolk

Web Developer in Norfolk – A good web developer will tell you that SSL certificates play a vital role in making your website secure. A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encodes information. The data is transferred through a Secure Socket Layer Certificate. This protects visitors’ data, such as credit card numbers, names and addresses, from hackers and identity thieves. SSL certificates are an essential part of online security and help to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe. SSL certificates also protect the integrity of your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge. Secure website = traffic = revenue. People feel reassured when they know their security is not compromised, and most people trust the lock symbol before buying from a site

SSL Certificates play a vital role in making your website secure.

SSL certificates play a vital role in making your website secure. These certificates identify the authenticity of your website and validate the identity of its owner. They help you establish trust among users, thus making them feel safe while browsing through your website.

In addition to encryption and authentication, SSL certificates also provide confidentiality, integrity and verification of identity which all together contribute towards establishing a secured connection between two parties that is beyond any doubt or suspicion.

A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encodes information.

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encodes information. It’s used to transmit sensitive information securely between a server and user, including passwords, credit card numbers, or other personal data.

A secure socket layer (SSL) certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA verifies that the website owner is who they say they are; otherwise, nobody would trust the site!

The data is transferred through a Secure Socket Layer Certificate. This protects visitors’ data, such as credit card numbers, names and addresses, from hackers and identity thieves.

An SSL certificate is a file that adds encryption to the data sent to and from your website. This prevents hackers from stealing the data being transferred. It also prevents identity thieves from stealing your customers’ information.

In other words, an SSL certificate protects visitors’ data, such as credit card numbers, names and addresses, from hackers and identity thieves.

SSL certificates are an essential part of online security and help to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe.

SSL certificates are an essential part of online security and help to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe. There are a number of ways where a hacker can gain access to your website, but by implementing SSL certificate you can reduce the risk of these attacks on your website.

SSL certificates ensure that all communication between visitors to your website and the server is encrypted using 256-bit encryption. This means that any information sent from their computer is protected from any attackers who may be listening on the network. It also protects them from being taken over by hackers who try to modify files on their servers without your knowledge, which could compromise the security of your site or even lead customers away from it in search of more trustworthy sites.

SSL certificates also protect the integrity of your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge.

You may have heard that SSL certificates are required to access sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers. This is true, but it’s only part of the story. Securing these types of data with SSL certificates helps to ensure they cannot be viewed by unauthorized personnel and therefore protects your customers/clients from identity theft and other similar issues.

However, SSL certificates also protect your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge. This can happen in many ways: for example, if a hacker were able to insert malicious code into a page on one of your sites (e.g.,, then when someone visited that page their computer would execute this malicious code which could compromise their system or steal personal information from them—and all without you realizing anything was wrong!

Secure website = traffic = revenue. People feel reassured when they know there security is not compromised and most people trust the lock symbol before buying from a site.

SSL certificates are an essential part of online security, helping to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe. The lock symbol in your browser’s address bar can instantly reassure people that they are connected to a secure website when they visit your site and it gives them confidence that the data they enter or submit is protected at every step of their transaction.

In addition, SSL helps protect the integrity of your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge (known as “man-in-the-middle” attacks). This prevents hackers from viewing or modifying data travelling between their computer and yours during a session without anyone knowing about it!

Having an SSL certificate on your website gives you and your users peace of mind that the information exchanged between you and them is protected from hackers

Having an SSL certificate on your website gives you and your users peace of mind that the information exchanged between you and them is protected from hackers. It also helps to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe, helping to protect against data theft.

An SSL certificate also protects the integrity of your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge, which could result in a man-in-the-middle attack where someone intercepts communications between two parties.


As you can see, SSL certificates are an essential part of online security and help to keep sensitive information such as customer/client details and passwords safe. They also protect the integrity of your website by ensuring it is not being modified by attackers without your knowledge. Having an SSL certificate on your website gives you and your users peace of mind that the information exchanged between you and them is protected from hackers, An SSL Certificate also helps with SEO.

Here at NEXIX, all of our website packages come with an SSL certificate and with security and data protection in mind.



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